INI Localization
.ini files are commonly used in applications on various platforms. There is no standard for .ini files and the applications can vary in their use of key-value delimiters, comment masks, comment positions, sections nesting, support for blank lines…
So Lingohub has applied the following rules for .ini files that should match common variations.
Key-value pairs are delimited with the equal character (=) or colon (:) and terminated by a new line.
Values can not spread to multiple lines.
Section declarations can have this form: [section].
All keys after the section declaration are associated with that section.
There is no explicit “end of section” delimiter and sections end on the next section declaration or at the end of the file.
Sections can not be nested.
The translation title will be a combination of the section and the segment key. This combination has to be unique in your Lingohub project.
Placeholders are not supported because there is no standardized format. This means Lingohub is not able to detect placeholders to give you qualitychecks support.
Comment lines can start with a hash sign (#) or semicolon (;) and everything up to the end of the line is treated as a comment.
A comment is assigned to the next key-value pair unless there are any blank lines or section declarations in between.
Additional example files can be accessed here.
Last updated